I’ve got a problem when I need to use the ‘auto’ keyword in a project. This’s why I wrote this note.
think flowing codes
1 | int i = 1; |
此时我想要 p2 安全一些,我不想改变 i 的值,那么或许可以这样做:
if I want p2 to be safer and don’t want to change the value of ‘i’, maybe I can do this:
1 | auto const p2 = p; // or const auto p2 = p; ? |
这里 consnt 在 auto 位置不影响其语义,p2 依旧可以改变 i 的值。(ps:双 const 会报错)
The position of ‘const’ at ‘auto’ doesn’t affect anything. The value of ‘i’ still can be changed by ‘p2’. (PS: double-const will get an error)
我想要的是一个双 const 的指针,如何实现呢?
I want a double-const pointer, how can get it?
1 | auto const* const p2 = p; |
Emmm, 好像并不是很有意义写这篇笔记
it seems doesn’t make sense to write this note…